It is the responsibility of every supervisor to conduct informal inspections to ascertain the presence and condition of department property assigned to motor vehicles.

It is the responsibility of all personnel using a department vehicle to thoroughly inspect it at the beginning of each tour of duty, and particularly prior to use for transporting prisoners. This inspection shall include checking that the proper supplies and equipment assigned to the vehicle are in place. An inadequate amount of supplies should be immediately replenished. The interior of the vehicle will also be searched to ensure that no weapons or contraband are present. A general evaluation of the condition of the vehicle will also be undertaken to identify any obvious defects in equipment, e.g., tires, window glass, door locks, headlamps, bar lights, security barrier, etc., that may result in unsafe use. Such conditions shall be brought to the attention of the officer’s supervisor, and the public safety garage by submitting the appropriate work order form, and another vehicle should be used.

Each vehicle assigned to patrol operations will contain the following equipment:

  1. Squad vehicles:

  2. Processing vehicles:

    • 100-foot tape.

    • 50-foot tape.

    • Roll-a-tape.

    • Vehicle check sheets.

    • Bolt cutter.

    • Barrier tape.

    • Camera equipment.

    • Restraints.

    • 10 traffic cones.

    • Fingerprint kit.

    • Powder residue kit.

    • All other equipment as in #1.

  3. Patrol sergeants’ vehicles:

    • 20 pairs of flex cuffs.

    • 12 riot batons.

    • 10 traffic cones.

    • Barrier tape.

    • Emergency response guidebook.

    • All other equipment as in #1.

Each unit head is responsible to submit a monthly fleet inventory, which will be due on the first Wednesday of each month with information as required by the fleet manager. If any repairs or maintenance are required, it should be noted on the inventory and every attempt should be made to get the vehicle in for service.

 Revised August 30, 2017

Last Edited: August 30, 2017