City of Saint Paul
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Recovery Plan Performance Reports

All States, territories, counties, and metropolitan cities with a population exceeding 250,000 residents that are recipients of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) awards are required to produce Recovery Plan Performance Reports.  

The Recovery Plan provides information to the public and U.S. Treasury Department on projects that SLFRF recipients are undertaking with program funding and plans to ensure program outcomes are achieved in an effective, efficient, and equitable manner.

As required by the U.S. Treasury Department, this webpage will include City of Saint Paul Recovery Plan Performance Reports. More information about the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund program and associated reporting requirements are located at


2024 Executive Summary 

The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) provided $350 billion in much needed emergency funds for state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments. As part of this Act, the City of Saint Paul received $167 million through the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) to support our immediate response to the COVID-19 public health emergency and its negative economic impacts, while laying the groundwork for the City’s ongoing efforts to rebuild. The City is investing these one-time funds in key priority areas to address community needs in:

Graph of ARP areas of funding.

In total, the City has budgeted all $167 million of its allocated SLFRF funds, $2 million of which was budgeted during the reporting period from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. Of the total $167 million budgeted, the City has spent $122 million and encumbered an additional $16 million, for a total obligated amount of $138 million. Across its priority areas, the City has spent:

Graph of ARP areas of funding by amount spent.


2024 Annual Recovery Plan Performance Report

The Project Inventory section provides details for each SLFRF investment budgeted through June 30, 2024, including project goals and performance indicators. The City’s SLFRF investments align with Federal priorities regarding community engagement and equitable outcomes. Throughout this report, the City identifies key examples of deep engagement with community to identify priorities for SLFRF funding, and ways that its SLFRF investments address long-standing inequities exacerbated by the pandemic. Investments in relevant expenditure categories use evidence-based practices that ensure positive outcomes and community impact. The City’s investments in deeply affordable housing for residents at 30% of Area Median Income and investments in youth employment programs highlight our commitment to community engagement, promoting equitable outcomes, and utilizing evidence-based practices. As community needs change, the City may adjust the amounts outlined between the priority areas, while remaining in alignment with Federal requirements.

Link to 2024 Annual Recovery Plan Performance Report

ARP Project Details

Click on the City Priority Category below to expand the section and read project descriptions.

ARP Projects Press Coverage

Expand the sections below to read press articles covering several of the City's ARP funded projects.

Last Edited: July 26, 2024