The impound lot is intended to provide a secure facility for the storage of vehicles, bicycles or other larger or dangerous items which come into the custody of the department as found, recovered, is evidence of a crime, or property held for safe keeping for the owner who, for example, may be rendered incapacitated as a result of a motor vehicle crash.

The manager in charge of this unit shall be responsible and accountable for control of all property accepted by or stored in the impound lot storage area.  S/he reports to the commander of the property and evidence section.


  •  Facilitate proper disposition of vehicles in a timely fashion and whenever possible within six months.
  •  Conduct auctions of unclaimed or unwanted vehicles.
  •  Maintain records as required for its operation (General Order 445.00: Towing and Storage Procedures/Authority). Whenever a new unit supervisor is appointed s/he and her/his predecessor shall jointly conduct an inventory of vehicles to ensure that records are correct. This inventory should consist of a sufficient sampling to guarantee the integrity of the system and accountability of vehicles.

Revised June 6, 2016

Last Edited: March 20, 2017