Distribution of General Orders:

The department uses email as a distribution method for department manual updates. Employees must review updates sent via email daily when working and having access to a department computer (also see G.O. 201.13).  

New or Revised Departmental Directives:

Revisions of department general orders are encouraged at any time however, at least once a year a review of all department general orders will be coordinated through the Research and Development Unit.

Requests or suggestions for amendments to the department manual may be made by any employee of the department. Such requests or suggestions should be prepared in writing and forwarded through the chain of command, and ultimately, after approval by the chief, then onto the Research and Development unit for publication via email.

The process for policy update recommendation is as follows:

  1. Prepare a draft of the recommended changes.This should be done by copying the original policy into a word document and then using cross-outs and additions in red font make the suggested changes to the current policy.

  2. Distribute the draft up the chain of command, with each layer providing input that is noted in the document. Once the document reaches the Deputy Chief they will ensure that all needed input (both internal and external) has been received.

  3. Once all input has been obtained and the deputy chief has a final document s/he will forward that draft to the city attorney for review. If the city attorney determines that additional review by other members of the city attorney’s office is appropriate, s/he will forward copies to the affected member(s) of the city attorney’s office for review.

  4. Once the city attorney review is completed and any recommendation are discussed with the deputy chief resulting in a final recommendation, the document will be forwarded to the assistant chief for final review and delivery to the chief for approval.

  5. The deputy chief should be sure to establish a time-line for review of the draft allowing adequate time for the review and feedback process.

    Upon approval by the chief of police, the assistant chief will forward the official signed off document to the Research and Development unit.  That unit will have the necessary documents distributed to all personnel. The department manual located on the Saint Paul Police intranet site will be updated to reflect all manual revisions.  Whenever the manual is revised, all personnel shall obtain copies of the new or revised directives via email.

    Revised January 14, 2019

Last Edited: January 14, 2019