One of the tasks of a commanding officer or unit head is the administration of discipline.

The exercise of discipline requires an evaluation of the human factor which, when combined with proper training, motivation, and recognition of individual and group effort, results in self-discipline.

Discipline may range from an Oral Reprimand, where the immediate effect is on the individual, to termination.  In each case, care must be exercised to make the proper choice in obtaining a desired and just result.

In the administration of discipline, a unit head must consider the totality of the circumstances surrounding the allegation of misconduct in making a determination whether the original action or conduct which prompted the complaint was legal and under the circumstances necessary and proper as well. Their decision must resolve those factors with the individual's interest and the probable effect of the disciplinary action upon the attainment of department objectives.

To be effective, discipline must not only be fair in its application, it must also follow within a reasonable time the act which it is intended to correct. Therefore, there must be a prompt resolution of disciplinary cases.

Updated January 14, 2019

Last Edited: January 14, 2019