
The safety of all personnel employed by the department of police is of paramount importance to the department administration. One area of concern is the ready identification of non-uniformed officers by fellow uniformed officers in event of a major police action. A second area of concern is the safety of in-building personnel in that there is a need for identification of all non-uniformed police personnel (sworn and non-sworn) within the building.


Authorized identification badges in the police building shall consist of the following:

  •  Police badge - sworn personnel.
  •  ID card - all department personnel and authorized vendors.
  •  Visitors tag - all others.

Clips have been issued with each ID card to enable plainclothes employees to properly display the card on their outer garment.

  •  All sworn and non-sworn personnel will display their ID cards or badge as described above, during that time they are within the department of police building, whether on or off-duty.
  •  Unless specifically directed otherwise by the chief of police or an assistant chief, non-uniformed officers will display their ID cards or badge as described above whenever engaged in any major police action.
  •  Unless specifically directed otherwise by the chief of police or an assistant chief, uniformed permanent custodial staff are not required to display their ID cards as described above, but must have their ID card on their person at all times while on-duty.
  •  Whenever a police ID card is lost or destroyed, a general report explaining the details of the loss or destruction must be submitted before a new card will be issued.
  •  Whenever a police ID card is stolen, such fact should be mentioned in the body of the report submitted. If taken in an out of city offense, a general report explaining the details and the fact that the offense was reported to the police of jurisdiction must be submitted.
  •  Non-access IDs can be produced for sworn employees when they complete the Non-Access ID Form. A fee will be deducted from the employees uniform allowance for the card.
  •  Worn or mutilated police ID cards must be surrendered to the Saint Paul Police Department Human Resources Unit employees for replacement.
  •  New police ID cards will be issued by the human resources unit in the event of a title change, name change or if a new chief of police is appointed.
  •  All requests for new IDs will be accompanied by a completed identification card information form.
  • The human resources unit will photograph and issue ID cards to all personnel including newly hired or promoted employees. Any copies of the photos will be retained by the human resources unit. Access will be provided to department personnel on a need to know basis.
  •  Police ID cards are the property of the Saint Paul Police Department. All old ID cards are to be turned in to the human resources unit for destruction. When a police employee retires, the employee will be issued a new ID marked with retiree.  Non-sworn employees that retire from the police department will be eligible for a retiree card.

Police ID cards will be turned in to the human resources unit by employees granted leaves of absence of 30 days or more and upon separation of employment.

All ID cards issued to contractors, other city employees (e.g., city attorney) and all others must be returned to the human resources unit at the end of their assignment.

Revised July 1, 2011

Last Edited: March 21, 2017