A procedure for requesting processing/analysis of evidence by the Special Investigations Unit’s Digital Forensics Lab has been established to facilitate better communication between the Digital Forensics Lab and those units within the police department requesting analysis.

Should digital analysis of an item be desired, the investigator/police personnel assigned to the case will:

  • Complete the SIU Digital Evidence Examination Request Form (#1112-04) that is located on the intranet under forms. The form can be filled out electronically and sent to the shared mailbox.
  • All SIU Digital Evidence Examination Request Forms must be accompanied by either a signed search warrant or signed consent form.
  • Turn all digital evidence into the property room using the Evidence Manager. (SIU will retrieve the digital evidence from the Property Room when they are ready to process it.)
  • SIU will submit any newly developed evidence into the property room after documenting that generation of new evidence using the Evidence Manger.

Revised June 6, 2016

Last Edited: March 20, 2017