Operating under the authority of the chief of police and administered by head of community and volunteer services, the Saint Paul Police Department sponsors and maintains a police chaplaincy program. The police chaplain coordinator of the Saint Paul Police Department will act as liaison and coordinator of the police chaplain program and its personnel. Police chaplain personnel will function in that role only after approval of the Saint Paul Police Department. The mission of said program is both internal and external.

The internal mission of the Saint Paul Police Chaplain Program is to provide professional guidance to the chief of police and to the Saint Paul Police Department, and to promote the spiritual, religious, moral, corporate and personal well-being of members of the department, and when the situation so dictates, to be a force of reconciliation within the department.

The external mission of the Saint Paul Police Chaplain Program is to offer spiritual guidance and assistance to persons confronted with crisis experiences, and when the situation so dictates, to serve as instruments of reconciliation, easing stress-related situations involving the public, a tool of police community relations.

Revised July 1, 2011

Last Edited: March 21, 2017