The Saint Paul Police Training Unit under the direct supervision of a commander, reporting to the deputy chief of support services and administration, is responsible for providing all departmental training. This training shall be consistent with the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Board requirements and reflect the department's training goals.  It includes the training provided to both sworn and non-sworn personnel whether conducted internally or provided by outside sources.

Training Unit Functions:

  • Administer, maintain, coordinate, plan, develop and conduct training programs for the Saint Paul Police Department and the professional development institute (PDI).
  • Responsible for the staffing administration and operation of the police training facilities.
  • Conduct or otherwise provides the recruit academy for all police officer candidates.
  • Notify employees of required training and training that is available to department personnel; encourage continuing education for off-duty officers and publicize the availability of such programs.
  • Prepare, maintain and distribute records reflecting the mandated P.O.S.T. training received by all department members.
  • Assure that required training programs are attended; maintain attendance records and notify the appropriate division commander in case of unexcused absences.
  • Conduct or otherwise provide for the presentation of in-service training, specialist training and other educational or training programs for all members of the department.
  • Select and train instructors.
  • Implement and evaluate departmental training programs.
  • Review and approve all lesson plans to maintain consistency with department policy and to coordinate the department's overall training objectives.
  • Perform other activities as directed by the deputy chief of support services and administration.
  • Coordinate attendance at citywide training sessions offered through the City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources.

Department Training Goals:

  •  Provide employees with job-related training that will enhance productivity, effectiveness and job satisfaction.
  •  Conduct in-service training in accordance with P.O.S.T. Board Continuing Education Criteria which meets licensing requirements and department needs as identified by the training advisory committee.
  •  Prepare and distribute training bulletins as required which emphasize or explain new, difficult or revised laws or department procedures.
  •  Provide specialized training to employees whose job assignments require such training.

Evaluations, Revisions and Updating of Training Programs:

The department is aware of the need to be dynamic and flexible in its training requirements and programs to ensure that its officers are always properly and adequately prepared to meet ever-changing legal and operational requirements.

The training unit staff will seek to identify any problems connected with the department's training facilities, materials, equipment and schedules. Written critiques of training programs and instructors performance shall be completed by employees receiving training and shall be maintained and utilized by the deputy chief of support services and administration to affect appropriate revisions.

Resources for Training Program Development:

The training unit is responsible for the identification of resources which may be used to develop training programs. The unit should use all available resources in training program development including, but not limited to:

  • Department inspection reports.
  • Staff reports and/or meetings.
  • Consultation with field personnel and field observations.
  • Training evaluations.
  • Participation and approval by the chief of police.
  • Problems or deficiencies identified in internal affairs unit investigative reports as recognized and summarized by the office of internal affairs commander.

Attendance Requirements -- Training:

Attendance during recruit orientation and designated in-service training sessions is mandatory. Daily attendance rosters will be maintained by the training staff.

Employees attending training sessions must sign in to be credited with attendance and/or to gain P.O.S.T. credit.

Absences for illness or emergencies require notice to the training unit staff in advance of the commencement of the training session. Personnel required to make a court appearance or other temporary absence from class will notify training staff for the absence and times.

Personnel scheduled to attend training sessions are expected to arrive on time or be subject to disciplinary action.

If attendees are absent from training sessions which are P.O.S.T. mandated or fail to meet the minimum training hours required they must make arrangements for rescheduling make-up sessions through their supervisor. Failure to do so may result in loss of police officer license.

Records of training sessions successfully completed by department personnel are maintained by the training unit.

External Resources and Cooperative Training:

The training unit utilizes training resources available through public and private organizations, locally and nationwide, to broaden or enhance its training curriculum.

These resources may be employed to augment internal instruction or to provide an independent training topic.

Additionally, the Saint Paul Police Department Training Unit conducts and encourages cooperative training with other law enforcement and criminal justice agencies on an international level. The training unit maintains records of this extensive training activity.

Updated January 14, 2019

Last Edited: January 14, 2019