• Officers, parking enforcement officers, or a reserve officer will remain at the scene of an A-tow only until the contractor has cleared the scene.
  • Parking enforcement officers and reserves conducting tows may continue to use the paper form.
  • Officers may use the Tow Manager program and leave a parking enforcement officer or reserve officer in charge of the vehicle until that tow clears the scene.
  • Officers will summon only the necessary tow equipment, and then only when the vehicle is ready to be towed. Every effort is to be made to prevent the contractor from having to wait while a scene is being processed.
  • When communicating a request for service, explain the services desired to include the number of vehicles to be towed and additional equipment needed, and if it is an off-street situation, or the tow may require extra work, make this known. Notify the RCECC operator when the tow arrives at the scene.
  • On all tows where a stolen auto is recovered, inform RCECC data channel of the vehicle information.
  • Officers will advise citizens to arrange for their own towing services, when appropriate.
  • Officers should not summon or assist in summoning any tow truck for a private tow. Officers should not assist any tow company in obtaining private tows.

Revised June 7, 2016

Last Edited: March 21, 2017