6:05pm: Introductions, welcome members of the public  

6:15pm: Review April and May 2022 meeting minutes; approve this month’s agenda 

Minutes not approved for lack of a quorum. Will need to approve April, May and July minutes at next meeting with a quorum. 

6:20pm: Discussion on rubric for decision-making (Kristen and Patty) 

Kristen and Patty presented the results of their brainstorming on how CJAB might evaluate new climate justice actions. They propose 7 questions that could be asked of any proposed action: 

  1. What is the plan for communicating this and providing outreach? 

  1. How does this support/align with/distance us from the CARP? 

  1. Whose voices are elevated? 

  1. Whose voices were included in decision making/presenting this proposal? 

  1. Whose voices are silenced? 

  1. Who benefits from this action? 

  1. Does this impact the residents of St. Paul equally and how is this impact considered? What is the measurable/tangible positive/negative impact? 

These questions could be shared in advance with proposers of a new idea so they could address them in their presentation. 

Adri supports the questions but proposed adding: is this already a City program with a specific timeline, and how actionable is it?  

Russ noted that some programs will not impact all St. Paul residents equally, e.g. if a program is designed to serve a specific under-resourced population. But per the language of the resolution that established CJAB, the City’s most vulnerable residents should benefit at least as much as less vulnerable residents. 

Nick proposed the lens of distributive, procedural, and restorative justice for evaluating proposed actions.1 

6:35pm: Healthy Homes Program: pre-weatherization Kurt Schultz  

Kurt provided an update on Healthy Homes Saint Paul, a low-income pre-weatherization, weatherization and energy efficiency program funded at $1m over 3 years using federal (ARPA) funds. The program focuses on 1-4 unit housing, both owned and rental, and aims to decrease energy burden by insulating homes and replacing appliances. Program will work with Energy Cents and Community Action Partnership of Ramsey & Washington Counties as the weatherization providers. An additional objective is to increase workforce participation of BIPOC individuals and women. 

Some homes have pre-existing safety issues (mold, vermiculite insulation, knob-and-tube wiring etc.) that commonly cause energy efficiency contractors to have to “walk away” because homes cannot be weatherized until these “pre-weatherization” measures are completed. Pre-weatherization measures will be eligible for Healthy Homes spending. The City aims to coordinate with utilities, who can also now fund pre-weatherization via the Conservation Improvement Program and have higher low-income energy efficiency spending targets. 

The City is still working to answer many outstanding questions, including how to determine eligibility for Healthy Homes, and whether to use the funds for comprehensive improvements in fewer homes vs. selected improvements (e.g. weatherization) on a larger number of homes. 

Bob pointed to Minneapolis’ Green Cost Share program and asked if Saint Paul could move toward having a similar program. 

Adri voiced a concern that weatherization improvements conducted through Healthy Homes do not create an exemption to the rent stabilization ordinance. This led into a broader discussion on what should be asked of landlords who participate in the program, and how to ensure any financial benefits of participation are passed through to the tenants. If the renter pays utility bills, they will benefit from cost savings, but the landlord benefits from investment in the building.  

Patty proposed putting a priority on measures that deliver child health benefits. 

7:05pm: Rachel Welch Climate Dashboard 

Rachel Welch gave an update on development of the City’s Climate Action Dashboard. The City is working with a Helsinki company to develop this dashboard, with a soft launch planned for Q3/Q4 of 2022. 

Rachel split the group into sub-groups by CJAB priority area (transportation, energy burden, and workforce development) to discuss for each of these how the Dashboard should address desired outcomes, potential actions, and metrics of success. The groups discussed separately and reported back to the whole.  

7:45pm: Board vacancies  

  1. Immediately:  

  1. 1 community board member 

  1. Secretary 

  1. Summer: 1 youth position and 1 general position (which can be filled by youth or non-youth) 

  1. End of the year: co-chair (plan to fill this vacancy mid-summer) 

Volunteers are needed most immediately for the executive committee – Secretary (starting now) and co-chair (starting January 2023). The executive committee works with Russ to set priorities and agendas, so please be in touch if you are interested in one of these roles!  

7:50pm Updates from the board 

  1. From city staff 

  1. From the Executive Committee  

  1. From Board Members 

Dominique mentioned a proposal by Met Council to add a fourth waste incinerator near Pigs Eye. Public comments are open. Please contact Dominque for more information. 

Russ noted that conversations on the future of I-94 are ongoing, with a lot of community meetings currently happening. We could ask the groups involved to present at upcoming CJAB meeting(s). 

Melissa noted that Sustain Saint Paul is working on a new proposal for 1-4 unit housing. Please contact Melissa for more information. 

8pm Adjourn 

Last Edited: March 29, 2023