The name of the Board is the Saint Paul Climate Justice Advisory Board (referred to hereafter as CJAB) 



(From Council Resolution 20-999): CJAB will advise the Mayor and City Council on the development of policies and programs related to the City of Saint Paul’s Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP).  The CJAB’s focus will be to ensure that the costs and benefits of new programs in clean energy, energy efficiency, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and climate resilience and adaptation, are equitably distributed and address the challenges faced by our most vulnerable populations and neighborhoods. 

The City of Saint Paul has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions community-wide 50% by 2030 and down to net zero by 2050. The City recognizes that policies and programs could have negative impacts on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities and under-resourced residents if the needs of and challenges faced by these groups are not explicitly addressed. The transition to cleaner energy and reduced greenhouse gas emissions will require significant investment in our communities, and the CJAB will help to ensure that Saint Paul’s most vulnerable residents benefit as much or more from these changes as the City’s less vulnerable populations.   

The CARP also identifies strategies for building climate resilience, and the CJAB will advise the Mayor and Council on the design of policies and programs in this area as well. In this context, climate resilience refers to natural, physical, and social infrastructure that makes our community less vulnerable to negative effects of changes in our climate, such as extreme heat and increased flooding.    



Section 1: Board Size  

The CJAB will be made up of 13-17 members who will be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Of these members, at least one will reside in each of the 7 Wards. At least 2 seats will be reserved for youth representatives (14-19 years old), 1 seat for a representative of the building/construction trades, 1 seat for a representative from the business community, and 1 seat for a representative of academia. No particular expertise is required to serve, but the City will look to appoint people who represent the broad spectrum of Saint Paul’s population, and who demonstrate a high level of interest, relevant experience and/or expertise, or both. In particular, the City aspires to strong representation from BIPOC communities that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and already disproportionately experience environmental racism. All members of the CJAB will either reside or work in the City of Saint Paul. 

Section 2: Terms  

The CJAB will be initially constituted with  50% of members serving an initial 2-year term and 50% of members serving an initial 3-year term in order to achieve staggered terms of service.  Beyond the first term, all additional terms of service will be 2 years, with a maximum of 3 consecutive terms served.    



Section 1: Regular Meetings  

The regular meeting time is the 2nd Thursday of each month  6:00-7:30 p.m. The regular meeting time may be changed to another weekday evening by action of the CJAB.   

Section 2: Special Meetings  

Special meetings may be called by the Co-Chairs upon receipt of requests from a majority of sitting members, at the discretion of the Co-Chairs, or by action of the CJAB. Agendas of special meetings will be posted including notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting must be posted publicly and made available to members at least 3 days in advance.  

Section 3: Quorum and Action  

A quorum of the CJAB is 50% or more of the current members or 7 members of the CJAB, whichever is greater. The CJAB will seek consensus on its actions and recommendations when possible, but any action is adopted by simple majority vote of members present at a meeting at which there is quorum.  All votes and outcomes must be recorded in meeting minutes.   



Section 2: Excused Absences  

An absence may be excused only in the following manner:  

  1. A CJAB member, prior to the meeting time, may inform either the Co-Chairs or CJAB staff of an absence from a scheduled meeting. 

  1. Exceptions in the case of extreme emergencies are at the discretion of the Co-Chairs.  

Section 3: Unexcused Absences  

An unexcused absence shall be defined as any absence not covered in Section 2.  

Section 4: Attendance Records  

The attendance records will be recorded in the minutes of each meeting.  

Section 5: Attendance Policy  

After 3 consecutive unexcused absences or more than 3 unexcused absences in a calendar year a member is considered to have resigned their position from the CJAB unless the member contacts the Chair in writing to request reconsideration within 30 days of the 3rd unexcused absence.  Such a resignation may be reconsidered by the CJAB at any scheduled meeting.  



Section 1: Executive Committee  

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Co-Chairs, Youth Leader, Secretary, and Co-Chair Designate. The Executive Committee is responsible for setting meeting agendas and making recommendations to the CJAB, preparing work plans for future meetings, and ensuring fair enforcement of the bylaws. The Co- Chairs of the CJAB serve as Co-Chairs of the Executive Committee.  

Section 2: Standing Committees  

The CJAB may establish Standing Committees to address regular and ongoing aspects of the CJAB’s work. Standing Committees may be established or eliminated by a two-thirds vote of the CJAB at any meeting. Standing committees will be comprised of members of the Board, who will appoint Co-Chairs and other members of the Standing Committees.. The Co-Chairs of each Standing Committee are responsible for setting the date, time and place for Committee meetings, preparing agendas, presiding over Committee meetings and reporting on the progress of the Committee at regular meetings of the CJAB.  

Section 3: Ad Hoc Committees  

Ad hoc (special purpose) committees may be created by majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the CJAB. Ad hoc committees will be comprised of members of the CJAB and non-members of the CJAB. Ad Hoc Committees will be co-chaired by at least one member of the CJAB but may include non-CJAB members. The CJAB will appoint Co-Chairs and other members of the Standing Committees. Ad hoc committees will be formed to fulfill a specific function that can be completed in a finite period of time. Each Ad Hoc Committee must present a final report when the function is completed and the Committee will be considered dissolved at that point unless a majority of the CJAB votes to continue its activities.  

The Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Committee are responsible for setting the date, time and place for Committee meetings, preparing agendas, presiding over committee meetings, and reporting on the progress of the committee at regular meetings of the CJAB.  

Ad Hoc Committees have only the authority deemed necessary to complete their activities. 



Section 1: Titles  

The officers of the Board shall be two Co-Chairs,  Youth Leader, and Secretary. 

Section 2.1: Co-Chairs  

The Co-Chairs of the CJAB shall be designated by CJAB, by a majority vote at a regular meeting with a quorum, and shall serve  1-year, staggered terms, with one Co-Chair term beginning on January 1 of each year and the other on July 1.    

Section 2.2 Youth Leader 

The CJAB shall designate a Youth Leader, by a majority vote a regular meeting with a quorum, and the Youth Leader shall serve a one-year term beginning September 1 of each year.   

Section 2.3: Secretary  

The CJAB shall designate a Secretary, by a majority vote at a regular meeting with a quorum, and the Secretary shall serve a one-year term. 

Section 2.4:  Co-Chair Designate:  Every 6 months the CJAB will choose a Co-Chair Designate who will be invited to attend Executive Committee Meeting meetings and will become the next Co-Chair of the CJAB.  This role is designed to provide continuity and a learning opportunity for the Co-Chair Designate to better understand the role of Co-Chair before officially becoming a Co-Chair.   

Section 2.4 Officer Term Limits 

Officers may serve no more than 2 consecutive terms in the same office, and no more than a total of 3 consecutive terms as officers. The Co-Chair Designate is not considered an Officer.   

Section 3: Vacancy  

Officer vacancies shall be filled by CJAB   

Section 4: Roles and Responsibilities of Officers  

Section 4.1: Co-Chairs 

The Co-Chairs of the CJAB shall be selected by majority vote and shall:  

  1.  Facilitate meetings of the CJAB and, if not otherwise specified in these bylaws, adhere to Robert's Rules of Order.  

  1.   Facilitate and not dominate discussion 

  1. Sign routine CJAB correspondence or delegate staff to sign correspondence .  

  1. On occasion, represent the CJAB to private and public organizations, including City Council.  

Section 4.2:  Youth Leader  

The  Youth Leader of the CJAB shall be selected by majority vote.  The role of the Youth Leader shall be to bring the perspective of youth to Executive Committee recommendations, and the role will also provide a leadership experience and opportunity for the Youth Leader.       

Section 4.3: Secretary  

The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that the records of the CJAB are kept.  The Secretary shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings and shall record all votes and minutes or ensure they are properly recorded by staff. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the CJAB.  



The CJAB may authorize a member or staff person to act as liaison with other private or public organizations. The liaison can explain the purpose, positions taken by the CJAB at a CJAB meeting, and activities of the CJAB, but cannot commit the CJAB to any action without first receiving authorization from the CJAB  .  



These Bylaws may be amended or repealed, and new Bylaws adopted, by the CJAB by majority vote, if a quorum is present. Prior to the adoption of the amendment, each member shall be given at least  2 days notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be considered, and the notice shall state that one of the purposes of the meeting is to consider a proposed amendment to the Bylaws and shall contain a copy of the proposed amendment.  

Last Edited: October 12, 2021