“Trust between the community and their police department is critical to the stability of our city, the safety of the people we serve, and the criminal justice system.”

This is what Saint Paul Police Chief Todd Axtell said shortly after being sworn in as the city’s top law enforcement official in June 2016. Since then, Axtell has led efforts to galvanize and build trust by making the department more transparent, holding itself accountable to the highest standards and working to engage the community at historic levels.

Now he will help other police departments across the country do the same as part of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Trust Initiative Advisory Board. 

Chief Axtell

Axtell was asked to join the board by IACP President Louis Dekmar and will attend his first meeting Wednesday, Jan. 31, at the IACP headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia.

The board is comprised of law enforcement leaders, academics and community stakeholders. Its purpose is to “create a culture of trust and transparency between police officers and communities by advancing dialogue and applying modern policing concepts.”

Axtell says he is looking forward to working with other leaders to identify meaningful and effective ways for law enforcement agencies and communities to work together to promote effective crime reduction while building trust.

“I’m honored to have been asked to be part of this important initiative,” he said. “We are fortunate in Saint Paul to have such strong connections with the people we serve. I’m excited to share our successes, learn from others and develop innovative solutions, programs and resources that exemplify community engagement and modern policing.”

The IACP Trust Initiative Advisory Board launched in October 2017 with support from basketball legend Michael Jordan, who provided a $1 million grant. More information about the IACP and its efforts to help law enforcement agencies build trust can be found at www.theiacp.org/TrustLegitimacy.


Last Edited: January 30, 2018