Many disasters happen without warning. Make a plan to protect and provide for yourself, your family, and your pets in the event of an emergency or disaster. Preparation is the key to success in handling emergencies. Public Safety experts agree that the two most important things to do to be ready are (1) create a family emergency plan and discuss that plan with all family members, and (2) build a kit so you are able to be self-sufficient for 72 hours after an emergency or disaster. Prepare, plan and stay informed in the event of a disaster
- Build an emergency supply kit and make a family emergency plan
- Be informed about what to do before, during and after a disaster as well as the range of different types of emergencies that could occur and appropriate responses
- Get involved in community efforts such as Citizen Corps
Click to visit the site to see how to be informed, make a plan, how to build and maintain a kit and get involved.