Our BLS Division provides Basic Life Support 9-1-1 Response and interfacility transportation for our residents experiencing lower acuity medical needs or emergencies.
● Emergency runs in the City of Saint Paul continue to increase each year and our BLS Units are able to provide an appropriate level of care for resident and visitors to our city.
● In June 2012 with graduates from the EMS Academy, Saint Paul Fire began non-emergent hospital to home or facility transports with our interfacility Ambulance 51 & 52.
● In October of 2019- Three Saint Paul Fire Department BLS 911 Units Ambulance 1, 2, and 3. were put into service and they respond to 911 (low acuity) alpha level calls, providing patient care and transportation to area hospitals.
● BLS Units also respond to all confirmed fires in the city to assist in firefighter rehab and low acuity medical emergencies.