Frequently Asked Park Questions

What are the hours that parks are open?

City-owned and operated parks are open from sunrise to 11:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted. For safety reasons, parks can be subject to early closings and delayed openings.

Is alcohol allowed in Saint Paul Parks?

No. The possession and consumption of alcohol is prohibited in City parks except as follows:

  • The possession and consumption of non-intoxicating and intoxicating malt liquor (containing not more than 5.5% alcohol by weight) is allowed from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and only within the designated areas of Cherokee Park, Como Park, Harriet Island Park, Raspberry Island, Upper Landing Park, City House, Highland Park, Phalen Park, and at Rice and Arlington, McMurray and Dunning ball fields. No glass beverage containers are allowed.
  • City of Saint Paul ordinance prohibits the possession or consumption of alcohol in all other City parks. Temporary liquor licenses to sell and/or serve beer, wine or alcohol at park facilities may be obtained from the Department of Safety and Inspections if the Director has given permission for such sale or service. 

Is skateboarding allowed in parks?

Skateboarding is only allowed within the designated areas of Front Park, Merriam Park Recreation Center, Palace Community Center, Gateway Park, and Arlington/Arkwright Park. Skateboarding within all other city parks is prohibited.

Can we have a bonfire at a park?

Yes, but only in a designated fire ring and certain requirements must be met. See our Bonfire webpage for a list of requirements and map of designated fire ring locations.

May I walk my dog in the park without a leash as long as they stay right next to me and are very well behaved?

No. All dogs, even the best trained dogs, are required to be restrained on a leash no more than six feet in length in all city parks except within designated off-leash dog parks. Owners must have in their possession a method of feces removal. Violation of these rules may result in a fine of $108.00. For more information on questions in the FAQ and more, see the Park Rules and Regulations page.

Last Edited: November 30, 2023