City Begins Seal Coating 

Saint Paul Public Works Department is Performing Annual Seal Coating Procedures to Extend the Life of City Streets

SAINT PAUL – Saint Paul Public Works crews began their annual seal coating work today, Thursday, July 28th in the Thomas-Dale, Frogtown, North End and Payne-Phalen neighborhoods.

Alleys in the affected areas will be done first, with work on the streets commencing on Monday, August 8th.

Streets to be coated are posted with no parking signs and residents in the affected areas have been individually notified.  Vehicles parked in violation of the parking restrictions will be ticketed and towed.

Seal coating of the street surface dramatically extends the useful life of the pavement – as much as forty years.  The process involves spraying liquid asphalt on the road surface, followed by an evenly distributed layer of crushed gravel chips, which is then worked into the asphalt using a rubber tire roller.

Once rolled, the street can be opened to traffic in a few minutes.  Moving traffic also helps to bond the gravel into the soft asphalt.  The following day the street is swept to recover any loose gravel, which, after screening, can then be used in the following days’ work.

For more information about the city’s seal coating program, visit or call the Street Maintenance Division at (651)-266-9700. 

Watch a video on seal coating


Last Edited: May 18, 2017