Project Overview
Cherokee Regional Park is a 100 acre park in the City of Saint Paul which extends along the Mississippi River bluff. The 1.3 mile Cherokee Regional Trail runs through the park providing connections to downtown Saint Paul and adjacent trails along the river. The scope of work for this trail project is to construct an internal, ADA accessible park trail to facilitate better connections between park features and the regional trail. It will also create an east-west connection between Cherokee Heights Blvd. and Chippewa Avenue.
Funding has been secured to construct the new trail from the Legacy Parks and Trails Grant.
West Side Community Organization Voices Forum: Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 209 Page Street W at 6:30pm with a potluck meal at 6:00pm.
Project Updates
August 8, 2023:
Construction is complete! The trail has been completed, along with landscaping and the addition of BBQ grills, a bench, and gates at the trail entrances.
May 17, 2023:
Construction is underway! A few construction items are remaining including installation of BBQ grills, a bench along the trail, and gates at the north trail entry. Construction is estimated to be complete in July 2023.
October 12, 2022:
Construction on the trail through Cherokee Regional Park will be begin after October 19th, and is anticipated to be substantially complete by the end of November. If you are using the park during this time, please use caution near the construction area. Check back for updates during construction!
Site Plan Review: Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Anticipated Schedule:
- Spring 2022: Project Bid
- Summer/Fall 2022: Construction