The Saint Paul Garbage Advisory Committee advised the Department of Public Works staff who will report to the Mayor and City Council on future solid waste policies and programs, ensuring that the needs and challenges of the City’s residents are considered.
These meetings were recorded and all materials are posted on this site.
If you wish to see the information considered by the City Council in creating the existing program, please see the documents at Coordinated Collection | Saint Paul Minnesota (stpaul.gov). This website provides the timeline of the program, the report to the Council on community input and the draft goals, and the Council Resolutions establishing the program.
A list of the committee members and council resolution establishing the Garbage Advisory Committee can be viewed at Resolution Establishing Garbage Advisory Committee.
Resident survey comment period has closed and have been included in an appendix of the final committee report that will be presented to City Council.
The current draft of the committee report can be viewed at Advisory Committee Report