May 2, 2023 Update
Upcoming Severe Weather Drills
The construction team on site is firmly committed to the safety of everyone on the project and in the area of the project. We’re pleased to share that we recently surpassed 100,000 hours of labor on the project without any lost-time injuries.
Part of ensuring that workers on site are safe in any circumstance is preparing for any severe weather events. To that effect, the construction team will be doing a severe weather drill on May 3, 2023 around 11:45 am. To begin the drill, the construction team plans to issue three blasts from an air horn on the site. Neighbors may hear these blasts and observe workers evacuating the site.
This should not be cause for concern for neighbors as this is a planned event focused on preparing for severe weather.
A Look Ahead at Summer 2023
With the winter season coming to an end, we wanted to provide another update to neighbors of the McCarron’s Water Treatment Plant. We’re looking forward to the onset of warm weather and returning to warm-weather construction.
This summer will be very busy on site, but it should be considerably less disruptive to neighbors than the previous summer. During the summer of 2022 demolition work and sheet piling driving were undoubtedly the noisiest activities. There is no significant demolition work or sheet piling driving on the schedule for this summer.
Generally, this summer’s work will primarily be focused on installing rebar, pouring concrete, setting precast panels in place, and installing pipework. Noise levels on the site should be fairly consistent to what they were throughout the winter months as these activities are generally fairly quiet. Of course, there will continue to be the run-of-the-mill construction noises (backup beepers, dump trucks, etc.) coming from the site. Visual impacts on neighbors are likely to be more noticeable than audible impacts. As you may have noted, there are three cranes operating on the site at present. At least two cranes will be active on the site for most of the summer.
Construction on the new facility is approximately 25% complete. Throughout the summer, work at the site will continue to be primarily exterior work (pouring concrete, etc.) When we get closer to the 50% complete mark, much of the work will begin to move into the interiors of the structures, causing less noise and visual impact for neighbors.