The City of Saint Paul plans to reconstruct Minnesota Street in downtown. The project includes demolition and replacement of the pavement, sidewalks, and underground utilities along the corridor. The Public Works goals of the project are to: 

  • Improve safety for all users
  • Implement a bikeway connection
  • Improve the transit user experience downtown
  • Modernize the aging infrastructure
  • Create a resilient and people-oriented corridor
  • Support the evolving needs of downtown users

Minnesota Street from Kellogg Boulevard to 6th Street in downtown. 

Community engagement began in early 2021. Construction for Phase 1 from Kellogg Boulevard to 6th Street occurred in 2023. Phase 2 construction, which is Minnesota Street from 6th Street to 11th Street, will begin in 2024. 

Minnesota Street Phase 2


    Construction on Minnesota Street Phase 2

    • Construction started on Minnesota Street between 6th Street and 9th Street. 
    • Minnesota Street is closed to thru traffic between 6th Street and 7th Street.
    • Minnesota Street is closed to all traffic between 7th Street and 9th Street.
    • Access to businesses will be maintained. 

    If you are looking for information about the Minnesota Street Phase 2 project and current downtown road closures and construction impacts, please visit

    Project Updates

    Virtual Presentation

    Virtual Presentation
    Please watch the Minnesota Street Reconstruction presentation video to learn more about the project. You can also view the PowerPoint slides used in the video.

    Concept Design

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the concept design process for the Minnesota Street Reconstruction Project. In 2021 and 2022, staff collected hundreds of survey responses, conducted dozens of formal and informal stakeholder meetings, and initiated engineering and utility design on the corridor. You can read summaries of all the feedback in the Project Updates section below.

    Here are the key themes that we have heard over 15 months of conversations:

    • Street trees & pedestrian buffers are a top priority
    • A protected bicycle facility is necessary to safely accommodate current and future users, including emerging modes of transportation
    • Two travel lanes are necessary to enable efficient commutes into and out of downtown
    • A parking or loading zone is necessary on every block to maintain local building access and flexibility in the long term

    Concept Design Images

    With these key themes in mind, the concept for Minnesota Street includes sidewalks on both sides of the street, a boulevard/buffer space that is wide enough for street trees on one side, a two-way bike facility, a parking or loading zone lane, and two drive lanes. 

    Cross section of design for Minnesota Street showing the right of way from west to east with 5.5 foot sidewalk, 2 foot buffer, 8 foot 2 direction bike lane, 6 foot boulevard with street lights, 8 foot parking lane, 10 foot driving lane, 11 foot bus lane, 3.5 foot boulevard with street light, 6 foot sidewalk

    Click here for a larger image of the cross-section

    Review a PDF Layout of the whole corridor *updated July 22, 2022*

    This concept is a hybrid version of all the options presented in Fall 2021. It was developed as a result of public and stakeholder feedback. The concept will change slightly on each block in order to respond to adjacent property owner needs.

    This concept was presented to the City of Saint Paul Transportation Committee on July 11, 2022 for final approval and the start of the final design phase of work.   

    Unanimous approval was received and therefore final design was completed in 2022 and included:

    • Internal and external engineering review
    • Intersection design
    • Utility design
    • Design of the streetscape and pedestrian areas 
    • Construction phasing and coordination 

    We appreciate your feedback and input into this process. If you have any other ideas or questions, please reach out to the project team.